Silently, she is still reading when it is way past her bed time, it must be a pretty good book I guess. She must be deep in side her imagination i'm surprised she can't even hear the books fluttering behind her. Done she calls out. She must be a fast reader, I wonder how many books she has read in that not normal Library.

Cautiously, the horse galloped along with the rider holding onto the bridle for dear life. He had come this far. He wasn’t about to turn back now! Further and further he went, darker and darker the sky got. The clouds looked like they were going to explode. Then everything stopped the trees stopped swaying, there was a flash of light a few kilometres away. Boom the thunder crackled above the clouds. Then the clouds opened up and let all the rain out. They needed to find shelter!
Hi Rico. I like how you how chosen to describe this picture. You have focused on the girl and how immersed she is in her book. Well done on using an -ly to begin your writing. Could you describe the library a bit more? What do you see? What do you hear? Could you use some sound words to describe the fluttering? Keep up the great work, Rico!